January 25, 2023

Dear fellow Canadians,

We have been going through extremely chaotic times for the last three years and we will never return to the way of life that we have known and enjoyed in the past. The world is not what we thought it was and it is changing at an unprecedented speed. This is not a drill and everyone needs to be aware, understand, recognize, and acknowledge the scope and seriousness of what is happening everywhere around the world. When Canadians needed to be united more than ever, our governments made us isolate ourselves which divided and broke families and friendships.

First, I would like to express my extreme sadness and most profound condolences to those of you who lost one or more loved ones to the supposedly COVID-19 virus or the injection. Although there are no words that could ease your pain, my heart is bleeding for all of you and am praying for justice for the vaccinated.


When reading all of this information, please keep an open mind and use your critical thinking to analyze, digest and process all of these truths. Unfortunately, these are all true as horrible and scary as they are. Forget everything that you have seen and heard through the mainstream media (MSM) for the past three years. They are financed by governments and pharmaceutical companies, trained in propaganda hypnosis or mass formation, and are using these methods to indoctrinate their audience. According to the next videos, about 75-80% of the population are victims of mass formation psychosis.




Please note that I am not personally making any of these claims or statements. I am only sharing the light that is shed by thousands and thousands of experts. World-renowned medical experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Robert O. Young, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Carrie Madej, to name a few, are exposing the undeniable truth in regards to the Sars-Cov-2 virus, the PCR test, and the so-called vaccines. Each statement is supported by links, videos, documentaries, reports, articles, and/or interviews. Please do not believe me, do your own research.

What we have been witnessing is not a pandemic but a plandemic or scam that has been planned for decades. The intention here is not to scare anyone, but rather to raise awareness of all of the corruption and evil that is happening in Canada and around the world. Staying complaisant and obedient will only lead us to misery, poverty, and hardship. We would lose all of our Rights and Liberties forever to global totalitarian governance.

We can no longer say that what is happening is a conspiracy theory but rather the worst crimes against humanity. We are at the precipice of the NEW WORLD ORDER, which wants a single government for complete control of the whole planet.

Everything is now exposed everywhere but on mainstream media (MSM). Anyone can find this information on the internet, Telegram, Instagram, provincial and federal government sites, stopworldcontrol.com, vaccinechoicecanada.com, action4canada.com, takeactioncanada.ca, awakecanada.org, drtrozzi.org, stand4thee.com, tbof.ca, druthers.net, etc., etc. Not believing something doesn't make it untrue. There is too much researched and proven evidence that cannot be ignored or qualified as misinformation.

The following are things that all Canadians and everyone around the world need to do right now and as you continue to read this, you will discover why.


All mandates and measures that are/were imposed, are/were unlawful, irrational, unethical, cruel, and in violation of the Canadian Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Nuremberg Code.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) and their globalist partners are establishing worldwide tyranny, which gradually removes all rights, freedoms, and possessions from humanity. They claim this will improve the state of the world. It is called the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Build Back Better, New World Order, etc. Their motto: You will own nothing and be happy.


The globalists, the richest families in the world, who own almost everything, think they own the whole planet and therefore have the right to do with it what they want including exterminating us. They want to depopulate the earth at all costs and keep the population below 500 million while the global population is now around 8 billion. The globalists work in the shadows and control all government leaders like puppets. Parliamentary members are selected by them and not elected by the people. Elections are manipulated and fraudulent, just like in the United States, Canada, Brazil, France, etc. You can watch the movie “2000 Mules” for evidence of 2020 voter fraud in the US at Rumble.com.


“Through its Young Global Leaders program, the WEF has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity. 

Klaus Schwab’s own words: “I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…”


Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Crystia Freeland, and Pierre Poilievre are members of the WEF, so are Doug Ford, Jason Kenney, John Horgan and Francois Legault. Crystia Freeland is also a member of the WEF board of trustees. This is the reason they are all aggressively pushing the agenda 2030. You may want to consider voting for the PPC, the People’s Party of Canada led by Maxime Bernier at our next federal elections. He is opposing all WEF policies and the New World Order. Please do your research before voting at the next federal elections.

Through the Global Parliament of Mayors, WEF is planning to standardize all aspects of the legislature, by-laws, policies, etc. Mayors worldwide would have more power than any other level of governments.


Our mayors, MPs and MPPs are betraying and selling us out to evil. They are trading our democracy, freedoms, and God-given rights for global governance to enslave us FOREVER. It will be impossible to go back to democracy once the line is crossed. We would lose all of our Human Rights and Freedoms FOREVER. Our children and all future generations would never know or experience what health, prosperity, freedom, and happiness are.

Going back to World War II, Hitler was the Nazi party leader of the German government from 1933 to 1945. He tortured, experimented on and killed Jews and his own citizens in concentration camps with the support of the Vatican and several countries. The mainstream media (television, newspapers, and radio) is the weapon that Hitler used just as they are used today. It is an illusion that our governments are there to protect us and that they only act for our well-being.

The sheep feels safe from the wolf when it is with the shepherd, without suspecting that it is his shepherd who will have his skin.

How was this done? By LYING, LYING, AND LYING!

Here are some truth.

A fake pandemic was fabricated to create fear and distractions while the globalists went to work, orchestrating worldwide extreme and illegal measures based on nothing but lies.

Up until now, the supposedly deadly virus Sars-Cov-2 that causes the COVID-19 disease has never been isolated anywhere in the world.



The survival rate is ≥ 99% for the ages 0-69 y. o. and 94.5% for the 70+ (which are the same as the seasonal flu) when effective treatments are administered early.


The PCR test shows a false positive up to 95-97% of the time which proves that the pandemic is a TOTAL FRAUD. “Asymptomatic-19 = The False-Positive Scam!”




Proven effective early treatments with Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloriquine for example are still forbidden by the ministry of health. Doctors are threatened to lose their license by their ministry if they contradict their narratives or if they prescribe the forbidden early treatment that could save thousands and thousands of lives.



The marketed COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines. They do not stop the transmission of any virus nor prevent infection, hospitalizations, or deaths. They are bioweapons that change our DNA, are dangerous to our health, and cause irreversible damage to our bodies.  These injections can contain up to 95% of graphene oxide amongst other toxic substances. They destroy the body’s immune system, making the vaccinated vulnerable to every new variant. The Pfizer Report that was submitted by Pfizer, showed that there were 1223 deaths and 158,000 adverse events in the first 90 days post emergency use authorization.






Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It’s a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years. Here is the quick takeaway:

By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders. Bear in mind, this is Pfizer’s own data.”


Deaths and adverse events from the Covid-19 vaccines are hidden from the public. They are NOT RARE. They are abundant, irreversible, can be severe and even fatalAdverse events include but are not limited to paralysis, stroke, myocarditis, thrombosis, cancer, dementia, blindness, autoimmune disease, death, etc.




The puppet masters manufactured a crisis to:

While their puppets were and still are:

Here are some items on their agenda:


Please watch “The Plan” at: https://stopworldcontrol.com/




100 reasons to EXIT the WHO – The WHO is attempting a global coup




















I don't want to write what the real experts say on this matter, but please do your own research. I suggest starting by subscribing to different newsletters. You can also read every issue of the newspaper Druthers online. They have a host of articles and reference sites that you can visit and explore with your mind and eyes wide open. Everyone needs to see and realize what is really going on. We are in the middle of the third world war, but without bullets or grenades.






A question to ask yourself is: "If the vaccine does not prevent transmission or infection, is experimental, has caused millions of injuries and deaths, why do governments in almost all countries continue to recommend and mandate it for all their citizens including children who are naturally almost 100% immune to all viruses? It's becoming more and more obvious that it's not for our health or well-being. They are even injecting all livestock with the so-called Covid-19 vaccine with mRNA. Yes, dairy and beef cows, chickens, pigs, etc. that we consume on a daily basis. Why? Since when do animals catch our flu?

Almost 80% of the population has been had. It is much easier to fool people than to convince people that they have been fooled. 80% of Canadians do not realize what is happening while less than 20% of them are fighting to defend the rights and freedoms of all, including those of the 80% who insult them.

On the Canadian government website you can read for yourself what our government is planning for our future as humans. Here are some excerpts on bio-digital convergence which are very disturbing. Their own text has been copy-pasted below. You can read all of it at https://horizons.gc.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/

«In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural. Biodigital convergence may profoundly impact our economy, our ecosystems, and our society. Being prepared to support it, while managing its risks with care and sensitivity, will shape the way we navigate social and ethical considerations, as well as guide policy and governance conversations. Guided by its mandate, Policy Horizons Canada (Policy Horizons) intends to start an informed and meaningful dialogue about plausible futures for biodigital convergence and the policy questions that may arise. In this initial paper, we define and explore biodigital convergence – why it is important to explore now, its characteristics, what new capabilities could arise from it, and some initial policy implications. We want to engage with a broad spectrum of partners and stakeholders on what our biodigital future might look like, how this convergence might affect sectors and industries, and how our relationships with technology, nature, and even life itself could evolve.

This paper sets out an initial framing to guide Policy Horizons’ upcoming foresight work.

Three ways biodigital convergence is emerging

1 Full physical integration of biological and digital entities

2 Coevolution of biological and digital technologies

3 Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems

Biodigital convergence is opening up strikingly new ways to:

Change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours

Change or create other organisms

Alter ecosystems

Sense, store, process, and transmit information

Manage biological innovation

Structure and manage production and supply chains»

And it goes on and on…

How do you think that they will be able to convert humans into cyborgs? Do you think that Canadians will volunteer/sacrifice themselves and their children to become trans-human? I think not. They will have to be lied to, tricked, coerced and victimized without their knowledge or consent. Injecting unsuspecting innocent Canadians with nanotechnology, graphene oxide and other toxins is the best, fastest and easiest way to do this.

Here are a few other topics that you will never hear about on the six o’clock news. These are all distractions while the globalists’ agenda is pushed forward. You should research these issues to protect yourself, your children, and grandchildren:






In the coming weeks and months, watch the messages in the mainstream media about long Covid. They are starting to broadcast that long Covid is producing auto-immune diseases, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, and other side effects, which real unbiased experts say are caused by the Covid-19 injections. Because most people who developed Covid-19 disease have also been injected by the so-called vaccine, it is the perfect cover-up to blame the previous Covid-19 infection and not the vaccine. Any new virus that they have announced or will be announcing in the next few years will be caused by the shots as they have been designed/developed/created with the gain of function capability. They will try to scare us some more so we all run and get jabbed again and again for each one of them as it has already started.

We are at war but this is a war like no other and most Canadians are not even aware that this is happening. Who would think and believe that our government is knowingly injecting them over and over again with a lethal substance that will eventually kill them? There are no war tanks, machine guns, bombs, or grenades seen or heard. There are no broken bones or bleeding wounds on casualties. There is no physical damage or destruction of real estate or property, but the lasting effects of the physical, psychological, and financial harm done to billions of innocent civilians around the world are of unmeasurable magnitude.

And just like our governments lied to us about the plandemic, the injections, etc., they are also lying to us about the climate change emergency. We will be seeing commercials after commercials, documentaries after documentaries on TV, in magazines, on billboards, etc. to convince us that the planet is warming up creating greenhouse effects and extreme weather and that we are running out of resources. They will say that extreme measures have to be taken since time is running out to save the planet and its inhabitants. The intent will be to terrorize us so they can enforce yet more illegal mandates and lockdowns, restricting our movements and travels while acquiring more power and control. All of this with the reassurance that it will be necessary for the greater good of the planet and humanity. Once again our Canadian Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be violated. We’ll never be able to trust a word they say ever again. We are not running out of oil and the climate crisis is another hoax. Global warming is mainly caused by the harm-effect of geoengineering that is financed and operated by our governments. They, (the globalists and our governments) are the ones destroying our beautiful planet.




Must watch documentaries include:


https://stopworldcontrol.com/ )





Nothing will go back to the way it was but everything is getting exposed. "More people are questioning the narratives and awakening to the Truth." The goal of the World Economic Forum is to fuse everyone's biological, digital and physical identities by 2030 leading to Totalitarian Digital Surveillance, Population Control through Injections and Artificial Intelligence, and Transhumanism and yes almost all government leaders around the world sold us out to evil.

Hospital administrators, physicians, nurses, business owners, pharmacists, bylaw and police officers, etc., who are enforcing and carrying out the illegal mandates have been participating knowingly or unknowingly in crimes against humanity and genocide. In the Nuremberg trials, doctors who claimed they were only following orders were executed.

If you are a physician, nurse or pharmacist, I am imploring you to stop promoting and participating in vaccination clinics. These actions could make you complicit in crimes against humanity and genocide. There are too much evidence and proof that these injections are harmful to human health to ignore them.

Our window of opportunity to protect our health, our rights, and our freedoms is getting smaller and smaller every day. We need to act NOW. Here is a glimpse of what will happen to our society if we all stay complaisant and do nothing.


Everyone who complies with the mandates, that it be social distancing, mask wearing, locking down, taking the shots, etc. is actually helping the globalists, our enemies to achieve their goal to control and enslave us, to take away all of our rights and freedoms and to take over the entire planet. We cannot comply our way out of tyranny. Look at China that has been a communist country forever. Any Chinese who does not comply with the authorities, pay the price and sometimes with his or her life. (Imprisonment and organ trafficking). Right now they have a Zero-Covid policy… Everybody has to get tested on a daily basis to go to work and if there is only one person who tests positive, their whole building is locked down, its doors actually welded shut and nobody can get out for food, emergencies, etc. Some are hungry and so desperate that they are jumping out of their building committing suicide. But there may be hope for them… Chinese people are now resisting, protesting and fighting back.

I repeat… We cannot comply our way out of tyranny or communism. We need to stop complying, stand up for our Rights and Freedoms and fight back. People have been wearing masks for almost 3 years and this has not stop anything, let alone the spread of a virus that doesn’t even exist, since SARS-Covid-2 has never been isolated anywhere in the world. All masks have been proven to be dangerous for our health and not being effective in any way. Stop getting PCR tests. They are a fraud and have harmful toxins on them too. If they don’t get you with the vaccine, they will get you with the PCR test. PCR tests have a 95% to 97% false positive reading. Using the PCR test was instrumental in creating the pandemic scam.

I could go on and on, but each one of us has to take responsibility and accountability for our own actions. So please, stop watching false TV news, dig for the truth, get involved and fight back for the fight of our lives. Whoever is not part of the solution, contributes to the problem.

If you ever wondered what you would have done during the Holocaust, well, you are doing it now.

QUESTION EVERYTHING, THINK CRITICALLY, WAKE UP FROM THE HYPNOSIS AND STAY INFORMED! What is happening in the world has been proven without the shadow of a doubt to be genocide and crimes against humanity.

Please DO NOT SHOOT or HATE the messenger. Don’t be mad at me for trying to wake you up and save you and your loved ones. I do need help, but not from a psychiatrist. I need help in waking up people who are under hypnosis or victims of mass formation and in delivering this message of truth to the mass. I will never give in and never give up.

If you chose to ignore my letter and not look at the material that I am sending you today, then there is absolutely nothing that will wake you up and convince you of what is really going on. We will not be able to save the ones who are not willing to contribute and participate in their own rescue. I certainly can’t save or help everyone, but everyone can help save someone.

But if you are now waking up from your hypnosis and want to find out how to prepare for what is coming next, I am inviting you to join a preparedness freedom fighting group. The war is far from being over and the worse is yet to come. It is actually just the beginning. World War II went on from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world’s countries. In this war, every single country on the planet is against its People, so WE, the People have to rise up in unity and get actively involved in defending our Liberties and Freedoms before it is too late. The future of Humanity and our Planet are in our hands and each one of us has a part to play. I would rather die standing than live on my knees bowing down to evil.

Illegal lockdowns and more lies to be expected…

We are being warned by experts that the WHO, CDC, NIH, and governments may be announcing via mainstream media in the future another virus that would be a threat to humanity that would be even more contagious and deadlier than the man-made SARS-Cov-2 fake virus, like new mutations, Covid-21, or the Marburg virus, or one that would be rampant amongst children. Once again, they will be lying, creating FEAR via mainstream media, pushing and mandating yet other vaccines. This next plandemic’s goal will be to continue the elites’ quest to depopulate the world, to accelerate the Great Reset 2030 and the New World Order agenda.  PLEASE, DO NOT FALL FOR THIS AGAIN.


There will also be climate change lockdowns and traveling restrictions. All this with the reassurance from our government that it is for the greater good of the planet and humanity. Once again, our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights will be infringed if we continue to comply as requested.


Please be on the lookout and do not believe the lies MSM would be broadcasting yet again to create FEAR amongst the vulnerable population around the world. In 1994, 160 nations agreed to reduce the World population to 800 million by 2030...  In 2024 or sooner, the globalists are planning to project holograms of an extraterrestrial invasion everywhere that will send the world into hysteria and could unleash the One World Government immediately if the globalists’ plan is not stopped by then.


Where Do We Go From Here?

Since there is NO PANDEMIC only FAKE news creating FEAR, and provoking a tsunami of compliance…

This is a war like no other. There are no bombs, grenades, bullets to be seen or heard. There are no broken bones, lost limbs, or bleeding wounds to be seen on casualties. There is no physical damage or destruction of real estate or property, but the lasting effects of the physical, psychological, and financial harm done to millions of innocent civilians around the world are of unmeasurable magnitude.

Trudeau and the premiers are getting the hospitals’ CEOs and business owners to do their dirty work. Doctors are threatened to lose their license to practice and business owners are threatened with fines and closures if they do not comply and follow their narratives.

Because of these mandates, business owners are experiencing difficulty recruiting new employees after firing the non-vaccinated while Canada is welcoming immigrants to fill those same vacancies. This is taking away the livelihood of thousands and thousands of competent Canadians who are ready, willing, and able to work but are discriminated against and penalized because they refuse to take the experimental lethal jab. Nobody should have to choose between their health and being able to put food on their table.

They are also making hospital administrators, school boards, etc. threaten and coerce their employees into getting the jab to retain their employment or access their services. This is cruel, illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional.


If every Canadian would refuse to comply and would completely ignore all of the mandates of mask-wearing, social distancing, PCR testing, vaccines, and vaccine passports, the bylaw and police officers would not be able to enforce them. Trudeau would not be able to send 38 million Canadians in his concentration camps disguised as quarantine camps. Our provincial and federal governments would lose their totalitarian power and we would be able to finally resume our happy lives and reclaim our Freedoms. 

Yes, your vaccine passport would become obsolete if you do not get your 3rd, 4th, or 5th shot when mandated and you would lose your privileges, but you would lose so much more if you do comply. If you do not take another shot, you would minimize your risks of additional injury BUT you would not lose your Freedoms and Rights FOREVER.

If you care about your health and livelihoodplease, SAY NO to all COVID-19 injections for yourself and your children.  Every time someone gets an injection of the toxic solution with mRNA, spike protein, graphene oxide, nanoparticles, etc. one comprises his/her health permanently.

If you are a policeman, bylaw officer, military member, physician, nurse, paramedic, a 2020 hero, please remember your oath to protect and do no harm. Please note that in the Nuremberg trials, doctors who claimed to only have been following orders were executed.

If you are a physician, would you deny care and treatment to someone with lung cancer because he/she smoked for years even after being warned of the dangers of smoking? Would you deny care and treatment to someone suffering from diabetes, heart disease, etc. because of their dietary and lifestyle choices? The unvaccinated population did their homework. They know the dangers of these vaccines and that the FAKE pandemic is the Great Reset 2030 agenda in disguise. They are awake so why should they be denied care when they become sick or injured? Please remember your oath and the Nuremberg Code.

If you are a parent, join others and demand that your school board stops abusing and torturing your children and teenagers with mask-wearing, social distancing, hand washing, etc. Let your kids be kids. They will only be kids for a short time and they deserve to fully live and enjoy their childhood just like we did.

If you are a business owner, please open your doors and your heart to all without discrimination. Accept and encourage cash payments for this will make your business more profitable. Oppose to the government mandates by not complying with their illegal lockdown orders. It is not your job to enforce the law, so why would you deny entry to someone because they do not want to share their personal medical data with you? REHIRE the staff that you fired just because they were unwilling to take the experimental toxic jab and revive our economy. Remember that the lockdowns and all mandates are based on a virus that never existed.


And most importantly to all, stop the JABS for your health, livelihood, and longevity, and that of your innocent beautiful healthy children who have practically zero chance of contracting and/or spreading any virus let alone a fictitious one.

Now it is your time to be patriotic. So please get involved and fight like a real soldier. PLEASE STOP COMPLYING. Stop wearing a diaper on your beautiful faces and smile to thy neighbors. Canadians are known to be kind, compassionate, and caring people. Together let’s restore our spirit and start living again freely without fear, hate, division, segregation, or discrimination. There is no time to waste, life is too short.

WE ARE ALL ESSENTIAL and deserving to live happy, healthy, and in prosperity. 

With love, respect, compassion, and kindness let us be united, not divided. Let’s not be intimidated, coerced, and threatened anymore by our tyrannical, totalitarian, dictating world leaders.

Regardless of whether you believe this information or not, please share it with everyone you know and I mean everyone. and let them decide for themselves the validity of its content. Not believing in something doesn’t make it untrue or misinformation. This is how it’s done in a democratic society that has the freedom of speech. Not sharing it could cost them their life. Keep in mind that we will not be able to save the ones who are not willing to participate in their own rescue.

Please share this information with all of your contacts, co-workers, colleagues, friends, acquaintances, family doctor, mayor, etc. across Canada and abroad and say NO to dictatorship.

Please help spread this information by sending this message to doctors and business owners in your neighborhood.

If you are a member of a Freedom Fighting group or any social group, please share with all other members in your organization.

You can also help spread this message by printing the page with the QR code, cutting it in 4, and distributing them in your neighborhood, shopping malls, grocery stores, hardware stores, restaurants, gyms, etc. You can distribute them discreetly by leaving a copy of the QR code inside stalls of public washrooms for example. You can hand them out to anyone you meet while doing your errands, especially to parents with young children. They will thank you for it.

Please print this QR CODE, deliver it in your neighborhood, share it with everyone you know and everywhere you go…

Because the universe is one entity and we are all connected, in no time the truth will be known to all, no one will be left behind, a miracle will happen and the world will be liberated.

So, please be patriotic, get involved, and join the Canadian Freedom Fighting Force to restore our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We only have one opportunity to end this war, we are running out of time and we need to work together.

In unity, Canadians can stop our tyrannical totalitarian governments and reclaim what is rightfully ours. In solidarity, I am optimistic that we will come out of this war stronger than ever before.

Instead of the Great Reset, let this be the wave of the Great Awakening and Truth!

Together we will win this war.

Every day I pray for enlightenment, guidance, courage, and strength. I pray and hope that my message of love for humanity and nature will lead each reader in the right direction and be able to change the fate of the innocent and vulnerable. I pray that parents will protect their children from harm and suffering by listening to their inner voice and parental instinct. I also pray for the restoration of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms so it can be enjoyed by all Canadians forever. Our courageous veterans cannot have fought and/or died in vain. Our children and all future generations have the right and deserve to fully enjoy life in health, love, and prosperity with the Freedoms that we enjoyed until not so long ago. 

With infinite gratitude, I am thanking you in advance for your anticipated immediate active involvement in this crucial and urgent matter. Together we will be Victorious, Glorious, and Free.

From a true Canadian Patriot and Freedom Fighter

I will never give in to totalitarianism and never give up on my fellow Canadians.

The Great Reveal. Everything happening now is to provoke an opposite response.


How to reject ‘The Great Reset’

Try to fulfil as many points as possible:

👉🏻 Have more than two children (Bill Gates hates that trick!)

👉🏻 Eat lots of pasture meat, feed bugs to chicken only (Klaus Schwab hates that trick!)

👉🏻 Stop eating more than 8g of sugar per day (it makes you addicted).

👉🏻 Stop watching p0rn and reduce your alcohol consumption.

👉🏻 Consume alternative and objective media. Learn how to read and interpret scientific studies.

👉🏻 Learn one new hard skill per week/month (do you know how to ferment food?)

👉🏻 Tell someone you love them. It helps you both.

👉🏻 Learn from the past – read old books.

👉🏻 Drive a robust car without many electronics.

👉🏻 Reject vaccination and CO2 passports, and digital IDs and currencies.

Be self-sufficient regarding water, food, and electricity.

👉🏻 Own your land and farm it (agroforestry and permaculture). Improve the soil of your land.

👉🏻 Be prepared to protect yourself and your property.

👉🏻 Insist on your privacy (look into Linux, GrapheneOS and CalyxOS).

👉🏻 Pay with cash, avoid bonus programs.

👉🏻 Consider homeschooling to avoid the kids getting brainwashed.

👉🏻 Connect with like-minded people.

👉🏻 Take responsibility for your own health.

👉🏻 Turn off your TV.

👉🏻 Continue expressing your opinion. Don't comply!

👉🏻 Exercise more, and reduce your time on social media instead.

👉🏻 Buy local products; boycott Nestlé, PepsiCo, Unilever, Kraft, etc.

👉🏻 Don't walk; take the plane. (CO2 joke).

👉🏻 Practice spirituality of any (positive) kind.

👉🏻 Reduce the usage of Google and Meta platforms. They are data leeches and probably know more about yourself than you actually do.

👉🏻 Invest part of your money in gold, silver, land etc. Don't put all your trust in big banks.

👉🏻 Ditch big banks and join your local credit union.

👉🏻 Support unbiased scientists and politicians. They need it.

👉🏻 Ditch the mask and smile at people. Positive vibes are contagious.

👉🏻 Live in dignity.

👉🏻 Refuse to use immigration and customs kiosks at airports (they are gathering biometric data, retinal scans etc).

👉🏻 Refuse to use instant checkouts in stores.

👉🏻 Use a VPN on all devices to disguise your online identity.

👉🏻 Use cash

👉🏻 Avoid using smartphones

👉🏻 Do not support companies that use A.I. (robots) instead of human employees like McDonalds, KFC or that do not accept cash as payment.

Please also consider signing the ″Convention of Consent″ and the ″Letter of Independence to the United Kingdom″.


Here are other links that are pertinent to this fight. There are thousands more online that expose the evidence and truth. You will find a wealth of information at these sites.









Covid Facts for ordinary people – Cost of lockdowns,


Brian Peckford – served as premier of Newfoundland between March 26, 1979 and March 22, 1989. Here is his take on the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor Trial.


A leaked document from Trudeau’s cabinet – Oct. 2020


Open letter to RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki


Open letter to the OPP commissioner on unexplained deaths in Ontario from Randy Hillier, MPP


Dr. Rima Laibow – Depopulation Conspiracy & Self-healing – (dated 2013). Dr. Laibow talks about the dangers of all childhood and adult vaccines. They cause health problems i.e.: autism in a lot of children, dementia in our later years, etc. She talks about the elites’ plan for the Great Reset, etc.


Dr. Vernon Coleman: An old man in a Chair



Doctors from all over the world – Urgent Warnings of Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine


Here is a documentary – 2030 unmasked – For those preparing for what’s coming after Covid-19.


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko risks his life by saying this


Natural News – Defending Health, Life, and Liberty


Bioweapon covid vaccine – experts speak out


Thousands of Alberta healthcare and government workers launch human rights complaint


Thousands of Doctors and scientists call for halt to COVID injections, vaccine mandates


U.S. Senator Ron Johnson holds a panel discussion in Washington D.C. with doctors and medical researchers who treat COVID-19 vaccine injuries, along with patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine.


Monopoly: Who owns the world? Best Documentary Ever









When humans become cyborgs – Davos 2020


On line newspapers by Canadians for Canadians



Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says: "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done.

* We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.

* We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism.

* We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.

* We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle.

* We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.

* We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.

* We have killed our unborn and called it choice.

* We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.

* We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.

* We have abused power and called it politics.

* We have embezzled public funds and called it essential expenses.

* We have institutionalised bribery and called it sweets of office.

* We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.

*We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.

* We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh GOD, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!"

The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India, Africa and Korea.

With the LORD'S help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and WHOLEHEARTEDLY become our desire so that we again can be called "ONE NATION UNDER GOD."

Think about this: If you forward this prayer to everyone on your list, in less than 30 days it would be heard by the world. How many people on your list will not receive this prayer?

Do you have the boldness to pass it on?